Saturday, August 2, 2014

The team..

Hey everyone! How's it going? Today was another busy day up on the scaffolding installing 2x8 beams ontop of the concrete walls. Yesterday, before the concrete set we stuck metal screws in the concrete. Today we laid the beams flat and had to drill holes that would line up with the screws (not necessarily an easy task!). It went went well and today I worked with Garrett, Christina, Becky, Sue and Leslie. After work we hit the showers at the gym and then had a "free evening." We drove to downtown Anchorage and they have us $ for dinner. I ended up hanging with Tim and Rusty. They are super cool guys and we had a great time! We ended up at the Snow Goose Brewery. John (the boss on site) has recommended it. I ordered a hamburger and it was amazing! They mix up the meat with bacon. Yum!!! The sauce was a root beer (brewed fresh on site) and aioli sauce. It was really good! For a beverages had.a "snow dog." It's made with Kahlua, vodka, cream and freshly brewed root beer. Tastes just like a root beer float!!! 

After dinner we walked a bit along the shoreline and caught up with Connelly, Garrett, and Christina. 
This is Chrisina, my work partner in crime: 
Oh, and we hit a tree tonight. Nothing big, just when we were backing up. Poor Brian was driving the van and took a lot of teasing for it. 

Off to bed now. We have to be up at 5am to pack up our stuff and move it i to one room so the church can use our bedrooms while we are gone. I'm REALLY NOT loving this whole pack everything up every couple of days thing :( we'll hope on the train to Seward at 6:15. The train is about 3hrs. From there we'll take a glacier cruise. It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow so hopefully we'll still get some good pics. Wish me luck! 

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